Questions for Breana Weaver, CCA – Assistant Manager of Diversity and Inclusion, PCL Construction
When did you realize your interest in the AEC industry, and what were some defining experiences that shaped your personal values and outlook on the built environment?
While working on workforce development policy for the City of Los Angeles and witnessed the work my current company, PCL Construction, was doing in the community. We developed a public/private partnership to connect more individuals in South LA to construction careers. Over the course of three years, we connected nearly 200 South LA residents to apprenticeship training programs that led to construction careers. I saw the opportunity to lead DEI at PCL no different than when I worked for the City…another avenue to create impactful change in an industry that needs it, for communities that deserve equitable opportunities.
Have you faced any specific challenges or biases based on your background or identity that influenced your approach to architecture and your commitment to justice, inclusion, and diversity? If so, how did you overcome them, and what lessons did you learn?
Yes — I am a relatively young, Black woman. I use it as fuel. When I often enter rooms where I am the only one that looks like me, I use it as fuel to continue this work so one day, there are more people that look like me in those rooms and in leadership positions. I see it has a responsibility.
Can you share a project or experience where you actively challenged the status quo in the AEC industry to champion inclusivity and diversity? What were the obstacles, and how did you navigate them to achieve a positive outcome?
While leading the Diversity & Inclusion efforts for the Destination Crenshaw project, we happily took on the challenge to meet a 70% local hire goal that was unheard of in our industry. We’ve surpassed this goal thanks to intentional collaborative efforts with our client and key community stakeholders and organizations.
Imagine you have been granted limitless resources to address a specific social justice issue through architecture & construction. What problem would you tackle, and how would your ideal solution look and function?
Eliminate obstacles to accessing educational resources and training, while providing sufficient and available mentorship programming.
What advice would you give to young or aspiring AEC professionals who are passionate about social change and want to use their creativity to make a difference?
YOU are the vehicle for change. Every step you make towards progress, big or small… every opportunity you take advantage of to creatively solve and think outside of the box… every time you use your voice to challenge the process… it’s all necessary for true, real change. Embrace being the trailblazer that you are and go!
Breana Weaver, CCA – Assistant Manager of Diversity and Inclusion, PCL Construction
Breana Weaver joined PCL Construction – California Buildings as assistant manager of diversity & inclusion in March 2021. In this role, Weaver manages the ambitious community outreach, workforce development, and local hire initiatives for Destination Crenshaw, a 1.3-mile-long outdoor museum along Crenshaw Boulevard celebrating Black culture in Los Angeles. A South LA native, born and raised in the Crenshaw district, Breana is passionate about holistic approaches to addressing industry-wide challenges such as a lack of diversity and workforce shortages, while creating equitable access to high-paying construction careers. Weaver also manages DEI strategy for PCL’s $1 billion California Buildings District and serves as an advisor for companywide initiatives.
Before coming to PCL, Weaver served Council District 8 for five years as a member of City Councilmember Marqueece Harris-Dawson’s team as senior jobs and legislative deputy and chair of the City’s Targeted Local Hire Task Force. Additionally, she drove the development of key policy issues and legislation related to economic development, housing, and public safety. She is also an alumnus of the Coro Fellowship for Public Policy, an intensive nine-month leadership development program where she gained cross-sector training and experience through a rotation of placements that included Northrup Grumman, LA Metro, Yellow Cab, and a campaign for state senate.
With professional experience in both the private and public sectors, Weaver believes strongly in the power of collaborative initiatives that incorporate both business and community interests.