AIALA Position on Munger Hall (12/16/21)

The American Institute of Architects Los Angeles opposes the current proposal for UCSB’s Munger Hall Student Residence Building.

Read the AIALA Board of Director’s Position and Letter (dated 12/15/21).

Scroll down for information and a template to assist you submit your thoughts on the proposed dorm.

Status Update on the Prospective UCSB Munger Hall

Over the past two months AIA Los Angeles has been tracking and monitoring the regional response to UCSB Munger Hall proposal. In addition to supporting AIA Santa Barbara and AIA California’s official letters of opposition, staff at AIA LA has been receiving a tremendous amount of interest from the local design community who have expressed interest in sharing their collective opposition to this project.

Call To Action

A. Support the Petition: Sign + Share It Here.

B. Write a Letter:
1. Click for Template PDF or Scroll Down to Cut & Paste from the body of this page.
2. Email to:
University of California Board of Regents:
President Michael Drake:
3. Please copy: and

Munger Hall Template Letter

December 16, 2021

Cecilia V. Estolano – Chair, Board of Regents
Michael V. Drake, M.D. – President, University of California
University of California Board of Regents
Office of the Secretary and Chief of Staff to the Regents
1111 Franklin St., 12th Floor
Oakland, CA 94607

Re: The Proposed UCSB Munger Residence Hall

Dear Chair Estolano & President Dr. Drake:

As an _______________ [ARCHITECT OR A PROFESSIONAL WORKING IN THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT, etc] I am writing to share my strong opposition to the current proposal of the UCSB Munger Residence Hall.

Although I am keenly aware of the statewide housing crisis that impacts the availability of affordable places to live, Munger Hall, as proposed, will create harmful and unhealthy living conditions for its residents. It contradicts scholarship emanating from some of the most respected institutions in the land. At UCSB, it will set a negative precedent, literally and symbolically, for generations to come.

This contrasts with existing UCSB dorms and structures which are emblematic of the University of California’s position as a global thought leader: award-winning buildings which harness proven concepts to support well-being and a vibrant academic environment.

I urge UCSB to follow best design practices supported by numerous studies, and not advance the Munger Hall project further. In unison with AIA Los Angeles, AIA Santa Barbara and represented statewide by the collective voice of AIA California, I oppose the current proposal and officially request that the design of the building be substantially re-directed towards a healthier, and more dignified outcome. I recommend that UCSB reconvene its design review board to re-examine best practices in design, as well as explore innovative housing solutions that will support a healthier place for the residents to call home.

In this, I recognize the urgency to provide access to affordable housing. I understand that this is a complex and crisis-point challenge, but the resources and methodologies exist to resolve this crisis without initiating further harm.
Truly yours,