The 2°C Symposium is a unifying platform for the public, the architectural design community and the building industry to discuss and address the sustainability issues challenging our society today. Unfortunately, even with global awareness of and commitment to acting on climate change, we cannot rely on public policy mandates in the US to drive the important changes needed in creating the built environment. Los Angeles needs to take action.
Friday, March 2, 2018
LA Department of Water & Power, DTLA
$95 for AIA Members
$135 to the public
2°C’s name is based on the need to keep the global average temperature from rising more than 2 °Celsius above pre-industrial levels in hopes of preventing irreversible and damaging climatic changes.
COTE is dedicated to preserving the earth’s capacity to sustain a shared, high quality of life, and reflects the architecture profession’s commitment to provide healthy and safe environments for people, while preserving our natural resources. The committee’s directive is to lead and coordinate the profession’s involvement in environmental and energy-related issues and to promote the role of the architect as a leader in preserving and protecting the planet and its living systems.
Founder, Ramball Studio Dreiseitl
Director, Liveable Cities Lab
Visiting Professor, Graduate School of Design, Harvard University