From the desk of Will Wright, Hon. AIA|LA
Director of Government & Public Affairs

LACCD Facilities Update
On Thursday, October 24th AIA|LA met with Peggy M. Quijada de Franke – Associate Vice Chancellor (AVC) of Facilities, Planning and Sustainability, LACCD.
She shared a comprehensive update about all of the ongoing initiatives and capital improvements that LACCD was managing to help provide a greater service to the community.
CLICK HERE to review the presentation = Los Angeles Community College District: Building For Student Success
Discussion Topics Included:
Student Housing
- What are the current challenges and opportunities in providing affordable and accessible student housing within the LACCD system?
- How is LACCD addressing the growing demand for student housing, especially in high-cost areas like Los Angeles?
- Are there any innovative models or partnerships being explored to increase student housing capacity and affordability?
Project Delivery
- What are the key challenges and successes in managing large-scale capital projects within the LACCD system?
- How is LACCD improving project delivery efficiency and minimizing cost overruns?
- Are there any emerging technologies or methodologies being implemented to enhance project management and delivery?
- What strategies is LACCD implementing to ensure ethical and responsible procurement practices?
- How is LACCD promoting the use of local and sustainable materials and suppliers in its procurement processes?
- Are there any challenges or opportunities related to diversity and inclusion in LACCD’s procurement practices?
Green Campuses
- What are LACCD’s long-term sustainability goals for its campuses?
- How is LACCD incorporating green building standards and practices into its new construction and renovation projects?
- What are the challenges and opportunities in transitioning existing campuses to become more sustainable?
Joint-Use Facilities
- How is LACCD exploring opportunities for joint-use facilities with other public or private entities?
- What are the benefits and challenges of developing joint-use facilities?
- How can joint-use facilities contribute to the broader community and enhance the educational experience for students?
Preparing for the 2028 Olympics and Paralympics
- How is LACCD preparing its facilities and infrastructure to support the 2028 Olympics and Paralympics?
- Are there any specific projects or initiatives being undertaken to ensure the readiness of LACCD campuses for the event?
- How can LACCD leverage the 2028 Olympics to enhance its campus facilities and improve the student experience?
LAUSD Facilities Update
CLICK HERE to review the presentation provided at the October 16th Small Business Advisory Council.
We have three more AIA|LA City Leaders Breakfast Receptions for 2024. Please join us and share your input with decision-makers!
Save the Date = Friday, December 6, 2024 (8am – 4pm)
- Elevate Design Leadership: Be part of a movement ensuring architects and designers have a seat at the decision-making table.
- Shape Policy, Impact Communities: Your expertise is crucial for planning, land use, zoning, and building codes.
- Build a Better LA: Advocate for housing equity, complete communities, and sustainable development.
- Network & Make a Difference: Connect with fellow professionals and make a real impact on the built environment.
AIA California Legislative Advocacy in 2024: Final Results on Bill Positions
How did bills that AIA California took positions on in 2024 fare? Here’s a wrap-up.
First, a word about the process. How did AIA California reach official positions on these bills:
Every year, the AIA California Board of Directors positions on legislation impacting the architecture profession, evaluating bills for both their positive and negative effects. The 2024 legislative session was particularly busy, with 2,124 new bills introduced—1,505 in the Assembly and 619 in the Senate. AIA California staff reviewed all the bills and identified several hundred relevant to the architecture profession, which were assigned to subcommittees for Climate Action, Housing, and Advocacy. Together, about 40 AIA California members from these subcommittees reviewed the legislation and provided recommendations to the Board.
California’s legislative session adjourned on August 31, 2024, and Governor Newsom had until September 30 to take action on the bills. Out of the 1,206 bills that reached his desk, the Governor signed 1,017 and vetoed 189, resulting in a 16% veto rate. The legislative environment was marked by concerns about the state’s budget deficit, which is projected at approximately $47 billion. Despite these challenges, California continued to cautiously lead on issues like climate change and housing, key priorities also shared by AIA California.
The final results on all of our bill positions can be found here.
Below are some highlights:
Successes: Signed Bill Highlights
In 2024, AIA California supported several key bills that were signed into law by Governor Newsom. Among those: AB 3057 (Wilson) simplifies the creation of junior accessory dwelling units (JADUs) by exempting them from certain environmental review processes under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), speeding up housing development in single-family zones. SB 1207 (Dahle) revises the Buy Clean California Act by updating the list of eligible construction materials to include more environmentally friendly insulation options, promoting sustainable public building practices. AB 1957 (Wilson) extends a pilot program allowing counties to use “best value” criteria—considering factors like design quality rather than just cost—when awarding public construction contracts. These legislative wins enhance opportunities for architects to contribute to housing solutions, sustainable design, and high-quality public projects.
Disappointments: Important Bills That Did Not Move Forward
Several key bills that AIA California supported in 2024 did not advance, but they represent crucial opportunities for the architectural profession and will hopefully be revisited in future legislative sessions. Among those: AB 2934 (Ward) sought to establish a working group to review California’s building standards, aiming to improve the efficiency of housing construction by considering an expansion of the types of projects that can utilize California’s Residential Building Code. This bill would have allowed architects to play a pivotal role in updating building codes to better meet modern residential needs and streamline processes. SB 1227 (Wiener) focused on creating a CEQA exemption for projects in San Francisco’s downtown revitalization zone, which would have expedited urban renewal and redevelopment efforts. This bill represented a missed opportunity to simplify regulatory hurdles and drive forward revitalization in one of California’s most important urban centers. AIA California believed this bill could have been used as a model for other jurisdictions in the future. AIA California remains optimistic that these bills will be revisited in upcoming legislative sessions to support efficient, high-quality design and development.
Vetoed Bills and Their Impact
Two key bills supported by AIA California in 2024 were ultimately vetoed by Governor Newsom, but they remain highly relevant to the architectural profession, and AIA California hopes they will be revisited in future sessions. AB 3068 (Haney) sought to streamline the approval process for adaptive reuse projects, which convert nonresidential buildings into residential or mixed-use structures, and provided incentives to developers as part of California’s housing solution. AB 2513 (Pellerin), which would have required warning labels on gas stoves to inform consumers about potential air pollutants, aligns with architects’ increasing focus on designing healthy and sustainable residential spaces. While the veto delays these efforts, both bills represent important pathways for advancing California’s architectural and environmental priorities, and AIA California remains hopeful they will return to the legislative agenda.
Looking Ahead
AIA California will continue to advocate for legislation that promotes high-quality design, sustainability, and affordable housing solutions while hoping for future opportunities to revisit bills that did not pass this year.
The efforts of AIA California’s Board of Directors, subcommittees, and advocacy teams demonstrate the organization’s commitment to shaping a built environment that reflects the highest standards of safety, sustainability, and design excellence.
In 2024, we will coordinate thirty-six virtual design review sessions, which will serve as opportunities for architects and designers to help the Los Angeles City Planning’s Urban Design Studio critically review upcoming projects throughout the City.
Upcoming sessions include:
Nov 5, 2024 (10:00 AM)
Nov 12, 2024 (10:00 AM)
Join us here w/ RSVP to gain zoom access.
Reach out and get more involved!
Will Wright, Hon. AIA|LA
Director, Government & Public Affairs
t: 213.639.0764