The AIALA fosters next generation designers by listing internships.

AIALA provides this service for free!

Read below to learn how to submit an internship for your firm.

  1. Your Firm’s Internship is posted within 2-3 work days of receipt.
  2. Your internship listing will stay active on the AIA|LA website for 60 days.
  3. To edit your listing, simply reply to your confirmation email or contact
  4. Internship filled? Congrats! Let us know, so we can remove your listing. Contact

Internships are posted for free!

  1. Prepare a PDF that describes your internship opening, and contains the following information:
  • Job Title
  • Firm Name
  • City Position is Located In
  • Firm Profile
  • Salary Range
  • Job Description
  • Job Requirements
  • Contact Information
  1. Title your PDF in the following format:
  2. PDF size must be less than 400KB
  3. No Word documents (.docx) will be accepted.


Please read the Internship Posting Disclaimer below. Submission of your post indicates that you have read and agree to the AIA Los Angeles terms and conditions.

  • By submitting this form you agree to all our Terms, Conditions, and Policies.
  • By submitting, you also declare, acknowledge, and affirm that you do not utilize, employ, or otherwise engage labor that is unpaid, including working students, and neither does any firm of which you are an owner or manager, in part or in whole. You acknowledge this wording shall cover all persons working under my employ or that of my firm, regardless of position or title.
  • Exceptions recognized by federal law (such as legally defined internships or educational cooperative programs) or by the AIA Rules of the Board are exempt from this policy.
  • You further declare, acknowledge, and affirm that you have not utilized any unpaid labor as defined above: for a minimum of 5 years.
  • The Company shall be responsible for the accuracy, timeliness, completeness and removal of any employment requirements that are placed on the Los Angeles Chapter of the American Institute of Architects (AIA|LA) system.
  • The Company shall present on AIA|LA’s system only genuine existing employment requirements within the Company.
  • AIA|LA assumes no responsibility or liability for any personnel selected by the Company and the Company represents that any selection, retention or hire of any individual or entity is based solely on the Company’s investigation, verification and determination that such hire is suitable for the Company’s purposes.
  • The Company agrees to hold harmless AIA|LA from any claims, damages or losses incurred by the Company or any other party as a result of use or the AIA|LA system.
  • AIA|LA reserves the right to remove the job posting(s) if an arrangement for the billing process has not been met within a 24-hour period of posting.
  • AIA|LA reserves the right to edit all employment advertisements, but will review any such edited advertisements with the Company prior to publication.
  • No advertisement submitted by the Company shall reflect, imply or contribute to any discriminatory actions, practices, or improper bias. AIA|LA reserves the right to edit any advertisement to remove any such offending language or implication.
  • The Company shall take sole responsibility to assure that the content of its advertising is true and accurate and conforms to all applicable laws, standards and regulations and the Company represents and warrants to AIA|LA that it has all necessary authorization for the placement of the entire content of its advertising within the site. AIA|LA may however decline any advertising or discontinue further publication of any advertising, at any time and for any reason, and shall not be liable in any manner as a result of such action, except to refund a prorated portion of any unused prepaid subscription.