PHOTO: Kaiser Permanente. Yazdani Studio. Photo: Bruce Damonte

The AIA|LA Architecture in Healthcare Committee facilitates events related to healthcare facility planning, design and construction. One of the most active committees in the Los Angeles chapter, the highly attended monthly events focus on the future of healthcare design, project delivery improvements, innovative design, client/owner perspectives, and building tours.  Most events are eligible for AIA Health Safety and Welfare learning units.

The committee events are typically held the third Wednesday of each month, from 4:30pm-6:30pm.  Each events includes time to network with peers and colleagues.  The venue for each event varies and is typically hosted by the presenting firm or organization.

The committee is led by two volunteer co-chairs, who serve two year alternating terms.   Supporting the co-chairs is a steering committee comprised of past co-chairs, allied industry members, and healthcare architects.  The steering committee meets at quarterly intervals and spend their time discussing future topics. The steering committee also provides a network into the healthcare architecture community to maintain our active schedule of monthly events, and many offer or arrange tours, presentations, and hosting.


If you have any suggestions for future events or would like to be on the mailing list for the monthly events, please email the committee co-chairs and the AIA staff liaison.


The mission of the AIA|LA Architecture in Healthcare Committee:  Striving to educate and inspire the healthcare design and planning communities.

Ken Downing, Assoc. AIA
Kevin Staten, AIA

PHOTO: Banner: Kaiser Permanente, Kraemer Radiation Oncology Center. Yazdani Studio of Cannon Design. Detail of image by: Bruce Damonte