Below you’ll find your ballot for selecting the 2021 AIA|LA Board of Directors. Voting is open to Architect and Associate members of AIALA, and your member number will be requested. To read candidate bios & platforms: visit this page.

-Please vote for both contested and uncontested positions.

-For the Ex Officio Associate Director position, only Assoc. AIA members in good standing of AIA|LA are eligible to vote. AIA Architect members and Assoc. AIA members in good standing of AIA|LA are eligible to vote for all other positions.

-Votes without a valid Architect or Associate member number, duplicate votes, and votes by lapsed members or members of other Chapters will not be counted.

Thank you for participating in the 2021 AIA Los Angeles Board of Directors election. Every member’s input makes a vital difference in the future of your Chapter and the direction of the organization.

Please click “Submit” when you have completed your ballot.

Success Message: Ballot will be replaced with the following text: Your 2021 AIA|LA Board of Directors ballot has been successfully submitted. You’ll also receive a confirmation email.

You can view the video of the  AIALA Board of Directors’ 2021 Candidate Town Hall, which took place on October 14, at this link.

Fields marked with an * are required
VP / PRESIDENT ELECT (Vote for one)
TREASURER (Vote for one)
DIRECTOR: There are five (5) candidates for two (2) available positions. Voters are allowed up to two selections for this category. [Choose one from each of the following lists. Do not vote for the same person more than once.] DIRECTOR position 1
DIRECTOR position 2
ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR EX OFFICIO (Associate AIA Members only; vote for one) Only votes by Associate AIA (Assoc. AIA) members of AIA Los Angeles in good standing will be counted for this position.

The following current Board Members will continue their terms in 2021:

President: Wade Killefer, FAIA
Past President: Greg Verabian, AIA
Secretary: Kevin Holland, FAIA
Director: Fabian Kremkus, AIA
Director: Pooja Bhagat, AIA
Director: Ziba Ghassemi, AIA
Director: Dan Herman, AIA
Director: Leslie Sydnor, AIA
AIA CA Representative: John Egan, AIA
Public Director: Molly Rysman
Associate Director: Francisco Arias, Assoc. AIA