& Associate Director Nominations
2019 AIA|LA Board of Directors Nominations Process and Call for Ex Officio Associate Director Nominations
The AIA|LA Nominating Committee, led by 2019 Chapter President Barbara Bouza, FAIA, is pleased to announce the names of the following members, who have been nominated as candidates for the 2019 AIA|LA Board:
For Vice President/President Elect:
Greg Verabian, AIA
For Treasurer:
Mitra Memari, AIA
For Directors:
Fabian Kremkus, AIA
Pooja Bhagat, AIA
Tom Marble, AIA
For California Council Representative:
Carissa Oyedele, AIA
For Ex Officio Associate Director:
Hector Puga, Assoc. AIA
If you are an Architect Member-in-Good-Standing of the AIA|LA Chapter, you are invited to submit your name to run for any of the following open offices: Vice President/President-Elect, Treasurer, Director, and AIACC Representative.
Each such nomination must be in writing and must be seconded via signature by three (3) AIA|LA Chapter Architect Members-in-Good-Standing.
Please also include:
* Your platform of 100 words or less
* Biography of 100 words or less
* Digital black and white photograph of yourself, JPG format, at least 200 dpi, at the finished size of 1.5″ wide by 2″ tall
Properly executed self-nominations must be received no later than Thursday, September 6, 2018 at 4:00 p.m. PT.
Nominations should be submitted to:
Tania Van Herle, AIA (Chair, Nominations Committee)
c/o Carlo Caccavale, Hon. AIA|LA
via email (carlo@aialosangeles.org)
or mail (3780 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 701, Los Angeles, CA 90010)
(Please note the new Chapter Office suite number.)
ATTN: AIA Los Angeles Associate Members
The AIA Los Angeles extends an invitation to our Associate members to submit your name for consideration for the open position of Ex Officio Associate Director on the AIA|LA 2019 Board of Directors. This Board member serves a 2-year term: one year as Ex Officio Associate Director, which is a non-voting position, followed by one year as Associate Director, with the opportunity to vote on all matters, except decisions related to membership dues.
Candidates must be current Associate Members-in-good-standing of the AIA Los Angeles Chapter and cannot be licensed in any other State, but may be working towards licensure.
If you are interested in the opportunity to serve on the Board of Directors for a two-year term in 2018-2019, please submit the following materials via email to AIA|LA President-Elect, Tania Van Herle, AIA c/o Carlo Caccavale, Hon. AIA|LA (carlo@aialosangeles.org) no later than Thursday, September 6, 2018 at 4:00 p.m. PT:
* Your platform of 100 words or less
* Biography of 100 words or less
* Digital black and white photograph of yourself, JPG format, at least 200 dpi, at the finished size of 1.5″ wide by 2″ tall
Your name will be placed on the ballot along with all candidates who properly execute a self-nomination. In October, a link to the online ballot will be emailed to AIA|LA Members. Only Associate Members will have the chance to vote for the Associate Director position on the Board.
The following member has been nominated for Ex Officio Associate Director:
• Hector Puga, Assoc. AIA
Voting will be open from October 2 – November 13, 2018 at 12:00 noon PT. Results will be announced to the membership on Tuesday, November 13, 2018 and officers and directors will be formally installed in December at AIA|LA’s annual Holiday Party / New Board Installation.
As a Board member, you will be expected to:
* Read and comprehend the bylaws
* Observe all rules applicable to meetings of the Board
* Attend meetings of the Board and major AIA Los Angeles events
Please contact Executive Director Carlo Caccavale, Hon. AIA|LA at the Chapter Office if you have any questions about the rules and responsibilities of serving on the AIA Los Angeles Board, at carlo@aialosangeles.org or (213) 639-0768.
The following are the current Board Members that will remain on the board in 2019:
• President: Barbara Bouza, FAIA
• Past President: Tania Van Herle, AIA
• Secretary: Wade Killefer, FAIA
• Director: Alex Anamos, AIA
• Director: Clay Holden, AIA
• Director: Sarah Lorenzen, AIA
• Director: Jason Morris, AIA
• AIACC Representative: Rocky Rockefeller, AIA
• Public Director: Dafna Zilafro, Affiliate AIA|LA
• Associate Director: Rachel Martinelli, Assoc. AIA