November 19, 2018–On October 20, 2018, AIA|LA partnered with the A+D Museum to host “Kids Draw Architecture” a day-long event held in Downtown Los Angeles. Students ages 5-15 were instructed in simple exercises of drawing led by volunteer architects. They were then invited to the museum’s parking lot to expand their ideas by drawing directly onto the concrete. The event reached maximum capacity at 30 with a wait list accumulating closer to the day of the event. All participating students received coloring books, while a few lucky ones received a 3D print, courtesy of the A+D Museum.
Building upon the AIA|LA’s strategic plan objectives of “Relevancy” and “Inspiration” the event demonstrated a clearly untapped audience eager to expose young people to the field of architecture. Those unable to attend due to schedules, inquired when the next would take place, while others edged out due to capacity encouraged AIA|LA to schedule another in the future.
2019 Update: After reconvening, AIA|LA and A+D have scheduled four more Kids Draw Architecture Days in 2019: April 17, June 5, August 10, and October 20th to celebrate the first anniversary of the event!
Those interested in receiving information about or sponsoring these events, please contact AIA|LA Associate Director Maria Robinson Glover.