From the Desk of the 2021 AIALA President
Wade Killefer, FAIA, Sets Course for the Organization in 2021
To the AIALA Membership,
For many Americans, 2020 will go down as the worst year ever and 2021 has certainly started out following in-kind. Nevertheless, as we know, architecture is a profession of hope and we all have high hopes for the post-Covid19, post-election year before us. AIALA has serious work to do this year. Here are our intentions, at this time.
We have begun the task of revising our strategic plan to guide us forward for the next three years. A committee has defined our long-term goals:
• To increase our value for students, emerging professionals and minorities; expand our value for existing membership, and: expand our value to public and private organizations.
• To increase our relevance by sharing our initiatives; promoting the value of design, and: validating the value of membership.
• To inspire communities to the value of design; provide opportunities to further the design conversation; and, provide access to pathways to architecture for all.
• To partner with organizations working toward equity; promote equitable practices, and; expand our J.E.D.I. committee footprint.
• To create a physical presence accessible by the community; identify and build relationships, and; facilitate in providing design solutions.
These words need to lead to action; right now, they are just words. The next step is to develop measurable tactics to move us forward. As has been said, what is measured gets done, what gets done is measured. We have work to do.
Additionally, we have some short-term goals to achieve in this new year.
1) To fully activate ACLA- Architecture for Communities Los Angeles.
2) To move our offices to a new space that better supports our mission.
3) To begin to understand what a post-Covid19 work environment looks like.
4) To continue to find better solutions to the homelessness that chokes our City.
5) Finally, and most difficult, to address the social justice issues that confront our profession, our city and our country.
We have a new Board of Directors who will address these difficult issues with energy and enthusiasm. Please consider joining us by participating in one of our committees. We look forward to a productive year.
Wade Killefer, FAIA
2021 AIALA President