The Governmental Outreach Committee (GO) mission is to help establish a political voice for architects and perform leadership outreach to policy makers and elected officials on matters of importance to AIA|LA and its membership. GO’s goals and objectives are to develop policy positions on matters related to the built environment, urban design, and the practice of architecture. GO can serve both as a catalyst that initiates new policy and as an advocate and advisor that encourages and promotes proposed City policies already in development.
GO meets regularly on the second Tuesday of each month and all AIA|LA members are welcome to attend. By contributing pro-actively to the discussion, volunteers help the committee develop a legislative agenda for the Chapter, which forms the thesis of the annual Legislative Day at City Hall. In addition to scheduling meetings with Council Members, Planning Deputies, the Mayor’s Office and numerous General Managers and Directors of the vast array of City departments, GO works closely with key staff members in the Los Angeles Department of Building & Safety, LADOT, the Planning Department, LADWP, LAWA and Bureau of Engineer/ Public Works.