October 31, 2023

From the desk of Will Wright, Hon. AIA|LA
Director of Government & Public Affairs

Citywide Adaptive Reuse Ordinance
As LACP is currently working with LADBS to update and implement a citywide adaptive reuse ordinance, AIA|LA and its members share the following opportunities to Make the Citywide Adaptive Reuse Ordinance More Effective —
1) We see a lack of communication between departments (especially between LADBS & LAFD).  For instance, project applicants often receive inconsistent responses on egress issues such as occupancy load ratios, the requirement for adding stair vestibules on ARO projects, etc
2) Lack of consistent interpretation of code(s) within interdepartmental plan checkers:  Who determines the message and / or interpretation?
3) Disconnect between LADBS + LAFD from the original intent of the Adaptive Reuse Ordinance has grown wide over the past couple of years.
     a. The creation of the ARO was meant to give Developers certainty to purchase and gain approval for the conversion to uses such as housing and others of the under utilized and vacant buildings.
     b. In a time of homelessness on a vast scale the process has become much less certain. ARO’s require heavy handed Land Use Attorney involvement and professional Expeditors to push them through. As you know they often take a year after submittal.
     c. Developers are moving away from Downtown and the urban cores of LA and out to the suburbs where they can find land to build “ground up”.
4) There is a need for a more consistent approach for verification meetings (digital v physical & how to track corrections that have been addressed)
5) Protection barriers at LADBS verification stations are an hindrance towards the review process (difficult to refer to specific drawings, space is too loud to communicate through barrier)
6) Lack of consistency with peer review requirements.
     a. City does not provide direct code references justifying why Peer Review is required for particular projects (i.e. “non-structural” elements being reviewed)
     b. Peer Review came up as a correction on 333 Flower when it originally was not required.
* There simply is no trigger for this as we’re not doing any nonlinear response history analysis or using passive energy dissipation or using alternative performance objectives or acceptance criteria based on any project specific testing. Therefore, no peer review required.  LADBS to provide a code reference in the CEBC, LAMC, ASCE 7, or ASCE 41 would trigger this peer review for this project.
7) A list of a few common items that seem to keep coming up on our ARO projects in LA:
     a. Building envelope – Can there be an exemption in limiting increases of floor area if it is as a direct result of a seismic upgrade?
Example: The code reads that the amount of floor area can be increased as long as it is within the existing building envelope, but there are many projects where the envelope must be replaced.  In one case, the existing building requires a brace frame at the exterior of the existing floor slabs in order to implement the seismic upgrade.  The building skin would need to then be reconstructed at the outside of this brace frame, increasing the amount of floor area.
     b.  Balconies – May balconies be allowed to be added to the building and exempt from the floor area calculation?
Example: We have multiple projects that need to provide balconies to meet open space requirements.  However, the balconies must be 6’ deep to qualify as open space. Based on the planning bulletin, the first 5’ of the balcony (assuming it is projecting with no supports at the exterior corners of the balcony) is exempt from counting as floor area, but for conforming open space balconies, this would result in an increase of floor area.
   c.  Parking – Can any parking stalls that are required to be removed as a direct result of the seismic upgrade (brace frames, shear walls, etc) not be required to be replaced?


If you have ideas or recommendations to improve the draft citywide ordinance, please reach out ot me at so that we can integrate your feedback into our advocacy platform.


For more information please review the Fact Sheet on the Adaptive Reuse Ordinance.

Draft Ordinance


Adaptive Reuse: Commercial/ Office to Residential
Urban Reprogramming

Report by Omgivning



The City of Los Angeles Bureau of Engineering has released a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to establish a new pre-qualified on-call architectural list.


The RFQ will establish two tiers:

Intended to expand and diversify the design talent available to work on city projects and to support the growth of emerging firms in the pursuit of continued design excellence in public projects. Firms must demonstrate establishment for a minimum of two years. These firms will deliver small scale projects with opportunities generally below $500,000 in design fees.

For established firms who can deliver more complex, larger projects with opportunities generally exceeding $500,000 in design fees.

October 11 – RELEASE OF RFQ


Quarterly Meetings w/ LADBS 

We’ve confirmed dates for our series of quarterly meetings with w/ Osama Younan, P.E. – General Manager, LADBS.  These quarterly forums serve as an opportunity for AIA members to connect directly with LADBS leadership and to hear status updates and emerging initiatives.  Kindly register via the links below.

These meetings will be on zoom again this year (for the time being).  Please email specific items and issues that you’d like to add to the agenda at least one week in advance.  We’ll tally the issues and share with Osama in advance so that he can best prepare responses with his team.

RSVP HERE = Monday, December 11 (12pm – 1pm)

Join us for the 2023 AIA|LA City Leaders Breakfast Series to help shape the future of Los Angeles!
These interactive forums will give you the opportunity to meet directly with key individuals transforming our region and to:
  • Learn about the latest priorities and initiatives our city leaders are advancing.
  • Provide direct insight and feedback on how to best improve those initiatives.
  • Gain access to key decision-makers.
  • Be a part of the solution for a healthier, sustainable, and economically competitive Los Angeles.
Register today to attend one of the next seven receptions in the 2023 series presented by GANNETT FLEMING.
  • Invite your colleagues to join you.
  • Prepare your questions and feedback.
  • Be prepared to share your ideas.
  • Network with other professionals in the AEC community.
  • Make a difference in the future of Los Angeles!
We look forward to seeing you at the next breakfast reception.
Thursday, November 2 (8am) @ FSY Architects, Inc.


LACP Design Review Sessions

In 2023, we will be coordinating thirty-six virtual design review sessions, which will serve as opportunities for architects and designers to help the Los Angeles City Planning’s Urban Design Studio critically review upcoming projects throughout the City.

Upcoming sessions include:

Tuesday, November 7  (10am – 12pm)
Tuesday, November 14 (10am – 12pm)
Tuesday, November 21  (10am – 12pm)
Tuesday, December 5 (10am – 12pm)

Join us here w/ RSVP to gain zoom access.



Will Wright, Hon. AIA|LA
Director, Government & Public Affairs
t: 213.639.0764